Chris & Elizabeth


South Bound

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We pray you all had a wonderful Christmas season! This New Year we found ourselves southbound and headed for warmer weather. :) Our travels will take us all the way to Alabama and Texas. Please pray for us as we travel and present our burden for Cebu in the churches we visit. 


Dashing Through the Snow…

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Well…the kids got all the snow they prayed for! Plus some! :) The house we’re staying at got over 3 feet of snow. When it started to come down Abigail said, “It looks like a snow globe!”  It has been so fun to see the States through the eyes of our children. As the snow piled up, all I could think about was shoveling but for our kids, it was all a new adventure.  Just please keep us in prayer as we travel in this weather! 


Prayer Request


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please pray!

Please keep us in prayer as we travel and share our burden for Cebu! We are praying for ten more churches to partner with our family and ministry.  We praise the Lord, one church has already promised to start supporting us in the coming year! We want to thank everyone who has faithfully supported us over the years! We could never do what we do in the Philippines without you! 

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