Chris & Elizabeth




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     It’s almost been 1 week since we arrived in Cebu! We’ve missed our friends in the Philippines & it’s so good to be with them again. We were encouraged to see so many people still faithful; still serving the Lord in their place. I put my Cebuano to the test and preached on Sunday night. Thankfully, the language is still there! :) I just need to break off the rust. Pray for us as we still deal with the lingering effects of jet leg. The kids have woken us up in the wee hours of the morning on more than one occasion. :) They’ve finally started waking up at 6:00 am so we’re almost there!  We are excited to be back in this special place. There’s great peace in knowing you are right where God wants you! 


On Our Way


Categories: Updates


Today is the day! We are on our way back to Cebu. As we wait to board our flight, we can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. We are SO excited to return to our home, to our church, & to our ministries! But we have also shed some tears as we’ve said farewell to our homeland.  Saying goodbye never gets easier. I look forward to Heaven when we’ll be with our loved ones for eternity! For now, we will rejoice that God has blessed us with so many people to love around the world.  Please pray for us as we fly back to the Philippines. God is already at work and we are so excited to have a part in His ministry! 


Pray for Camp

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10 days until we return to the Philippines! When we arrive, the church will be in the middle of camp prep. This is an exciting season and we are so happy that we’ll be back to participate! Please pray for camp! Pray that teens would make great decisions for Christ. Pray that there would be no injuries throughout the week. Pray that souls would be saved.  


The Countdown Continues…

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Categories: Updates


25 days to go before we return to Cebu! Our schedule is busy with meetings, packing suitcases, and shipping supplies to the Philippines. During our time in the US, we have been refreshed and encouraged by our supporting churches but now the time has come for us to go home.  We have heard good reports from Cebu and we are excited to jump back into the ministry.  Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we get ready to fly back to the Philippines. 

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