Chris & Elizabeth


Abbie is 6!


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Abbie celebrated her 6th birthday on June 8! Abigail is our fun, spunky, adventurous little girl. She loves to learn and now, she is using that passion for learning Cebuano. She is full of questions, trying to learn the words she hears around her. But she can also get frustrated. When we first returned from furlough she said, “Dad! Why can’t I understand anybody here? They all speak that funny language.” She obviously also needs to learn patience. :) Abigail has brought our family so much joy and we are so blessed to be her parents. 


Graduation Time

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May was the month of graduations. Our fourth-year student, Raymond Hibaya, graduated from Lighthouse Baptist College!  We’ve been blessed to watch him grow and learn over the years. He has been a tremendous blessing to us, working with the teens as a young college student and then leading them while we were on furlough. Please pray for Raymond as he interns at the church this coming year. We are excited about his future and what the Lord is going to do in his life!


Character Counts!


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                              Our Little Pirates!


Summer Camp was a blessing again this year! We had 250 campers join us for a week of preaching and fun.  Our theme this year, Character Counts, has been one of our favorites! Throughout the week teens were encouraged to develop godly character in their lives. Our pirate crew was a lot of fun too! :) Throughout the week several souls were saved and teens made important decisions that will impact their lives for years to come!  We were so privileged to be at camp working alongside our church!   

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