Chris & Elizabeth


Open Door Baptist Church~Venango, PA

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It was wonderful to go back to Open Door Baptist Church!  Pastor Aabye has been a friend for many years. The last time I was with them I was still single and I had just put together a temporary display board.  I didn’t even have prayer cards at the time.  I remember saying something like this, “Yes I am not currently married.  The problem isn’t me, SHE needs to get right with God and marry me.” Little did I ever imagine that I’d be married at the end of that same year.  God is good. It was great to return to Open Door with my display board, prayers cards, and my wonderful wife.


Heritage Baptist Church~Upper Sandusky, OH

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We were asked to join a missions conference in Upper Sandusky with Pastor Bucklew and Heritage Baptist Church. We stayed with the pastor and his dear family during the meeting.  We had a great time, Pastor Bucklew and his wife had recently taken a missions trip to Israel and shared their experience with us.  Just looking at the pictures and seeing the different sites where Jesus walked was amazing.  I pray that someday, if the Lord wills, my wife and I will be able to go ourselves.


Erie County Fair 2010

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We went to the Erie County Fair and worked again in the Amazing Grace Booth.  Many tracts were passed out and a great number of people stopped by to talk about salvation.  My wife and I were able to lead three people to Christ! Many others listened, obviously under conviction but still they weren’t ready to accept Jesus as their personal Savior. The Lord can still work in the hearts of these people!  We pray the Lord will bring others into their path who will continue to plant the gospel in their hearts.


Old Time Baptist Camp Meeting

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What a blessing to be a part of Old Time Baptist’s Camp Meeting this year!  It was wonderful to see the Lord move throughout the hearts of the people.  This was especially true on Thursday night.  The first preacher got up to speak and stopped. Believing he would just get in God’s way, he opened up the invitation and let the Holy Spirit do His work. People came to the altar, weeping and getting right with God. Many others went forward to be saved. This was the fruit of hearts that had already heard the Word and had God’s seeds planted within their souls.  God was taking that time to convict people of their sin.  After the services were over one lady commented, “God preached tonight.” It was a special night, something that is rare to see.  The Lord isn’t done with us yet! He’s still moving His people and drawing sinners to Himself!

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