Chris & Elizabeth


A Beautiful Testimony

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We were privileged to go to a wonderful wedding on September 11. The groom, Sam Hazlett, has been a friend of mine for many years.  While we were at the wedding it was neat to contemplate Sam’s life and see what he has become.  By God’s grace he’s grown into a young man who truly wants to do something for God.  Now, he’s married a young lady who has the same desire.   The Lord certainly got the glory! It was a precious wedding.  When you wait on God’s timing and let Him bring the right person into your life it truly is a beautiful thing. “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time…” Ecclesiastes 3:11


Labor Day at Niagara Falls

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After our return from Bible Baptist Church, my wife and I were able to spend time with a few of our friends at Niagara Falls. Bro. Nate St. Pierre along with his mom, brother, nephews, niece and sister-in-law were able to stop by at Pastor Seth’s house this Labor Day weekend.  So we decided to meet together at the American side of the falls. It was so nice to enjoy Labor Day with great friends and their families. Bro. Nate Saint Pierre was one of my teachers at Bible College. We became good friends at college and we share many wonderful memories. It was also neat to see Pastor Seth and Nate St. Pierre react  to each other. My worlds were again colliding. I am glad God has given me some God loving friends. Praise the Lord for them.


Bible Baptist Church~Niagara Falls, ON Canada

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We were very thankful the Lord made it possible for us to return to Niagara Falls, Canada.  This has become a very special place to my wife and I for many reasons. We not only enjoyed our honeymoon there but also the services and friendship of Bible Baptist Church. During our honeymoon, we were just going to slip in and enjoy the services and then slip out.  But Pastor Kiper recognized me from our prayer letter and asked if I could present our work that Sunday night.  This was the first time ever I was able to introduce Elizabeth as my wife in a meeting. This dear church provided us the funds to buy our new prayer cards and also gave us a generous love offering. So when Pastor Kiper asked if I could fill in for him this past Sunday I was quick to say yes.  We had a great time!  I preached all three services and also showed our new updated presentation.  It was wonderful to return after almost a year and see the church folks.

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