Chris & Elizabeth


Missions Conference at Home

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We were excited to be a part of  Faith Bible Baptist’s missions conference this year! It was a particular blessing to be able to spend time with the people from our church.  Because of our travels it’s not often that we get to see them for more than a service.  It was also nice to see a great number of  missionaries we know from deputation.  It was a great reunion for us.  The week was wonderful and we came away from the meeting truly blessed.   We would like to thank Faith Bible Baptist Church for their faithful support through their friendship, prayer, and finances!  They have been a continual friend and blessing to us!


Return to Friendship Baptist Church

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After being in Rome, NY just a week ago the Lord made it possible for us to return to Friendship Baptist Church. My cousin was getting married in a town just a half hour away from Friendship Baptist so we decided to attend Sunday services there while we were in the area.  Knowing we were coming, the youth leader asked if my wife and I would teach the teen Sunday School class. We greatly enjoyed giving our testimony on courtship and marriage.  I think our favorite verse on the subject is Ecclesiates 3:11~”He hath made everything beautiful in His time.”  It was great to see the teens again after meeting them for some flag football just the day before at Southeast Bible Baptist Church.  We thank the Lord for all the time we were able to spend with these teens and their church!


Grace Baptist Church~Greenville, PA

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We were at Grace Baptist Church for their annual missions conference.  It was a blessing for my wife and also for myself to be with her family. Pastor Troyer has been a great help to us throughout the deputation trail.  The mission conference made an effort for the people to really get to know their missionaries. Each night there was time for the missionaries to fellowship with the church folks.  For us it was nice to see everyone again and just spend time with them.  With all of our travels it isn’t often that we are able to stop by.  My father-in-law jokingly said in order for them to see us, he has to schedule it.


Friendship Baptist Church~Rome, NY

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Our next missions conference took place in Rome, NY.  We were greatly encouraged by the group that came faithfully each night. The church was nearly full during every service!  As missionaries we had a difficult time trying to find a place to sit.  Another blessing was that we met many new believers who were being discipled by other church members. It was exciting to see a church that was thriving and still holding strong doctrinally.

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