December 18, 2015 by

House & Home


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HouseWe have been presented with a wonderful opportunity to have a permanent home in the Philippines! A permanent location will establish us in Cebu and confirm our commitment as long-term missionaries. We can clearly see that God has brought this opportunity to us, and we want to share our need with you! Our house is an integral part of our ministry! In these past four years we have housed visiting groups, fellow missionaries, and guest speakers. Our house has served as a gathering place for teen activities, fellowships, and much more. It has been our desire to buy a home since our arrival in Cebu. However, the opportunity never presented itself. Housing in Cebu is expensive and houses in general are very small. So we waited and trusted the Lord to bring the right house in His time. Now, at a time when we weren’t expecting it, the Lord has brought a house into our path. While helping our partners look for a new place to live (because of their house fire), we stumbled upon the house that we all believe God would make our permanent home. The house is reasonably priced, large enough to use for the ministry, and the owner is willing to work with us as we come up with the money needed for a down payment.

Because this is the Philippines things are just done differently, this is true when it comes to buying a home. At the onset, we are required to give a large percentage of the price as a down payment. Our loan is approved, and God has already provided a good portion of the down payment. We are asking if you would pray and consider helping us with this need. We are lacking $15,000 to make up the difference between what we have and the amount the bank will loan us on the house. The owner has given us until February 1, 2016 to come up with the difference. The owner has been approached by other prospective buyers, but she is committed to selling her house to us. We know that God has brought us to this point, and we have been encouraged to present our need to all of you. If you would like to help us with this amazing opportunity, please send your contributions to our support address. Just designate it on the memo line: Baran House Fund. If you have any further questions, you can contact me at my email address or phone number. Any amount will help, no matter how small. May God Bless You!

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