Contact Us

You can leave a comment on our posts if you would like to be in touch, or you can mail any correspondence to our sending church, and they will happily get it to us.

Sending Church / Mailing Address

Justin and Kayleigh Dye

c/o Faith Bible Baptist Church

8688 S Main St

Eden, NY 14057


12 thoughts on “Contact Us”

  1. Looking forward to seeing you and hearing your presentation at Bible Baptist Church, Mercer, Pa. I am the secretary & was making up the bulletin, so just took a moment to welcome you ~~~ Martha Armour

    • Thanks Mrs. Armour we are getting excited about visiting your church! It’s always great to go to a church where you know the pastor and some of the members. It’ll be a good Sunday.

  2. “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” It is such a blessing to see former students glorifying God with their lives. I’m glad the Lord allowed for me to reconnect so I can watch!

    Our family is in a ministry in Wyoming called Baptist Youth Mission. Our primary focus has been helping local churches with their youth programming, but over the last few years, we have shifted to doing more church worker/leader training. We have jumped into the digital world, and we produce blogs, podcasts and online courses. I get to teach, just in a different venue. Most of my students actually want to be in my classes! We also do some of our trainings in conferences, but our big focus has moved to online. Our digital training website is We developed the name from the idea that we want to reach new families and KEEP them in our churches. A big part of our work has been starting a church plant 8 years ago that is now one of the coolest churches I have ever been a part of. My title at BYM/ ReachKeep and Sinclair Baptist Church is “Executive Secretary”, although my boss (aka pastor) sometimes calls me the “chief of staff” because I do far more than a secretary. Caleb is married, has graduated from Bible college (IBCS in Chandler, AZ), and is now our assistant pastor. Noah is attending a community college in Cheyenne, and Amy is home with us.

    If your deputation travels bring you out west, we have a building and we often are able to house traveling missionaries. You can contact me at BYM at 307-324-4800.

  3. Hello, Dye Family,

    We are looking forward to your being with us. I’d like to ask you a few questions and give you some information regarding your arrival, so contact me, please!

    Rebekah Foote, Pastor’s wife
    Baptist Temple of Franklin, PA

  4. Brother Dye,
    Thanks for being willing to preach and teach at Conewango Baptist Church in Sunday School and the morning service on November 12th.
    Pastor Marc Loranger

  5. Dear Dye Family,
    I met you at Harvesters Baptist Church in the Philippines just after you arrived with your sweet baby. I heard from Pastor Jing Batac that you remained at the hospital but that the surgery was being postponed for 6 months. You have been on my heart and in our prayers. We returned home to Canada on November 20 but I would so love to hear of any updates. Be assured that we will be praying for you with all our church, Victory Baptist Church in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada where my husband is the Pastor. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance to you. May the Lord give you clarity of mind in what you should do as you go through this trial.

    • Mrs Jupp, thanks so much for getting in contact. I will directly email the update we just sent out to you. I will also include a link for you to get further updates through our mailing list. Thanks for praying, we are happy to have met you. We hope your trip was fine going home and that you received a blessing with Pastor Batac!

  6. Hello there, Justin & Kayleigh! We are checking in on all our missionaries, and would love to hear from you. Is there an email we can contact you by? Our church email is
    Thank you!
    Victory Baptist Church of Carterville, Illinois

  7. I have heard your names much from my correspondence with Kirsten Wells. We are glad you are called to Pangia. My husband Ted and I have been praying for you and your family. I have just gone back and read all your prayer letters since January. I am sorry that you are having to go through this fiery trial…which is to try you. But God does all things well and my sori has turned to amamas tru as I read how he is helping to get you through this circumstance and back to PNG.
    Love and prayers,

    • Mrs Mullins,

      What a blessing to hear from you! We, of course, know how God used you in our area, and we count it an honor to be able to continue to work in and around the area that God used you two to affect for Him. Thanks for your kind words. We have definitely needed to lean on God and learn some lessons through all of this, and we are certainly looking with anticipation towards our return to PNG. It is nice to serve a God that can handle all of our questions and circumstances that seem to have no good answer. Thanks for the model that you and Bro Mullins have set!


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