Prayer Letter for March


I apologize, as I believe that we missed a month with our prayer letter on this website. Here is our current Prayer Letter. Thanks for having patience with us. We have had to change a few things in how we distribute our prayer letter. As always, thank you for your prayers for our family! Hopefully we will have some good news about when we will be leaving for Papua New Guinea soon!

Papua New Guinea Elections

In our prayer letter and in the recent churches that we’ve presented in, I’ve mentioned that the elections have delayed our visa approval. I want to share some of what is going on with that, and give you a glimpse into how different that country is from ours.


I’ve mentioned in some of the churches that we’ve presented in that Papua New Guinea is still a VERY spiritual country. I don’t say that in the same way I would describe a church as being spiritual. I mean that they are very much still into witchcraft and the spirit world. Here is an excerpt from a BBC article that is covering what is going in on PNG.


The count in Papua New Guinea’s troubled general election has been delayed in one province following accusations of sorcery, it’s been reported.

According to Radio New Zealand International, recounts have been ordered in two constituencies in the country’s East Sepik province because more than one candidate has alleged that witchcraft has been used to remove their votes from ballot boxes.

The radio said that priests had been asked to pray over the boxes to “shield” them from “sinister forces”.

It’s not the first time superstition has affected this election – in April, officials had to reassure church leaders that the country was not being “signed up for the number of the beast”, after it emerged that 666 writs had to be signed to initiate the poll.

“Such views are too shallow and are rejected outright,” Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato said at the time. Mr Gamato recently took out a court injunctionto stop his critics from calling him Mr Tomato.

Voting closed in the election on 8 July, but only 26 out of 111 seats have been declared so far. Radio New Zealand says that “multiple issues” including the arrest of poll scrutinisers and candidate grievances are holding up the count.

Violence against women

Witchcraft and sorcery remain a major issue in some parts of Papua New Guinea. Deaths and mysterious illnesses are sometimes blamed on suspected sorcerers, and officials say accusations of witchcraft are often used to justify violence.

The country only repealed its controversial Sorcery Act in 2013, which allowed an accusation of witchcraft as a legitimate defence for violence, and now treats such cases as murder.

A mass trial featuring 122 defendants began in March of this year over the deaths of five men and two boys who were killed in the belief they were conducting sorcery, Australia’s ABC News reported at the time.”

As you can see, its still very real to them. As an American, my initial reaction is to dismiss this as jungle superstition, but as a Christian I’m reminded that there is a spiritual war being waged every day, rain or shine. Papua New Guinea is very open to missionaries, and we thank God for that open door, but at the grass roots level, there is much spiritual activity.


Please pray for us as we go in and share the glory of our LORD with these people!

Prayer Letter March – May

Hello Friends,

Thank you for always keeping us in your prayers! Here is our latest prayer letter. We are beginning to get anxious as we prepare to leave. God has been working in great ways, and even since we have written this letter, more churches have taken us on for monthly support! We are getting excited! As always, just click the link and you should be able to read it in PDF.

January – February Prayer Letter

Hello all,

Thank you so much for reading our prayer letter! I know that many of you are like us and have signed up to a lot of mailing lists for missionary’s prayer letters, so I thank you for taking to time to see what has been happening in our lives. We appreciate your prayers and your concern for our family while we are on deputation! Thank you so much!


As always, just click on the blue hyperlink that says “prayer letter” to view the PDF version of our letter!

Prayer Letter!

Hello friends, family, and supporters!


Here is our prayer letter for the past few months! Thank you so much to all who faithfully read up on us, and who pray for us regularly! We appreciate you so much, and we are only this far because of our involvement in our ministry! Thank you so much.


As always, just click the link in the text, and it should open up the letter for you to read or print off!

Prayer Letter!

Thanks to all of you who read our letters and who pray for us! We had a productive summer out on the road, and we have been so blessed. God is a great God to serve, and we love working with you for Him! Please take a look at our prayer letter for the past few months! Just click the link to view it. Thank you again for taking an interest in our family, and God’s work in Papua New Gunea!

Missions Trip

When I was preparing to go on my first missions trip, someone told me that a missions trip would “change your life”.  I kinda blew off that statement as a thing people say that’s cliché, but looking back, it did have an impact on me. Kayleigh would agree that the trips she went on changed how she saw Gods plan to win the lost as well. 

This past week I realized that my past missions trips are still affecting my life today! Lidina  Kheng, a man I met when I travelled to Cambodia, emailed me. We were catching up on each other’s lives but at the end he told me that he and his wife pray for me every day. That was so encouraging to know that a great prayer warrior was lifting me and my family up to God! I never would have met him, nor him me, if I didn’t go visit that country. It’s such a blessing to know that Christian brethren around the world are praying for us! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!

If you ever get a chance to go on a missions trip, TAKE IT! A missions trip changed my life, and those trips I took still benefit me today!

Fun Sights

We were just able to present our work to a church in NYC. I know a lot of people, family members included, who would hate to even visit. The traffic, the smells, the rude people, are all things people don’t like about it.


I gotta say, I loved it! When we left the church, we had a 2 hour drive ahead of us, but even though we were sleepy I couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of the skyline at night! It was truly awesome.


The church we presented in was a classic old church complete with pipe organ and curved pews! It was gorgeous. The pastor and church have worked on it to make it nice instead of letting it get run down!



Deputation isn’t the easiest thing, as my brother who went with us on this trip found out. There’s a lot of tedium that goes with traveling, but you also get to see some pretty cool sights, and meet a lot of pretty cool people. I can’t tell you how encouraging some of the pastors that we have met have been. The Devil would love you to think that Christians are down and out, but we still serve a great God who has a great plan for your life. Just let him direct you. Maybe he would put you in a city like New York, or maybe he would take you to Papua New Guinea where there is a population less than half that of NYC.

God will take care of you, and you will have a blast serving Him if you let Him lead!