When I was preparing to go on my first missions trip, someone told me that a missions trip would “change your life”. I kinda blew off that statement as a thing people say that’s cliché, but looking back, it did have an impact on me. Kayleigh would agree that the trips she went on changed how she saw Gods plan to win the lost as well.
This past week I realized that my past missions trips are still affecting my life today! Lidina Kheng, a man I met when I travelled to Cambodia, emailed me. We were catching up on each other’s lives but at the end he told me that he and his wife pray for me every day. That was so encouraging to know that a great prayer warrior was lifting me and my family up to God! I never would have met him, nor him me, if I didn’t go visit that country. It’s such a blessing to know that Christian brethren around the world are praying for us! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!
If you ever get a chance to go on a missions trip, TAKE IT! A missions trip changed my life, and those trips I took still benefit me today!