esus stood one day before Jerusalem
And wept because He knew
For the peoples’ disobedience,
The anguish they’d go through.
Now we might wonder if He above in Heaven
Every sadly says such things
As “America! America! Often I’d have gathered you
As a hen’s brood ‘neath her wings!”
For surely He has loved America,
Founded on men’s trust in Him—
But we have wandered far from His will,
As had the great Jerusalem!
For our streets are filled with violence,
And men the Bible ridicule,
And those who’d rob our youth of God,
Take His Word from out the school.
We abuse our precious children,
Slay some before they’re born—
And those who speak against such things
Are looked upon with scorn.
Our bookshelves, most, are lined with trash—
The devil’s poison for the mind—
And midst the many psychic, New Age books,
We less often do a Bible find.
Crude profanity and blasphemy
Pervade our TV waves—
And tobacco, drugs, and alcohol
Have claimed their share of slaves.
Oh, will that awful day arrive,
As we our loving Lord forget,
That He will turn His back and say:
“Now are you left desolate!”
Or if we turn now from our wicked ways
And for His truth and honor stand,
May we yet claim His precious promise
That He will heal our land?
Oh, let us put on our God’s full armor,
And with our prayers and witness fight—
As Christian soldiers, by command,
Be our country’s “salt” and “light.”
To regain for our Lord our once—great land,
May that be our great endeavor—
Then may we find hope in an Almighty God
Whose “mercy endureth forever!
esus stood one day before Jerusalem
And wept because He knew
For the peoples’ disobedience,
The anguish they’d go through.
Now we might wonder if He above in Heaven
Every sadly says such things
As “America! America! Often I’d have gathered you
As a hen’s brood ‘neath her wings!”
For surely He has loved America,
Founded on men’s trust in Him—
But we have wandered far from His will,
As had the great Jerusalem!
For our streets are filled with violence,
And men the Bible ridicule,
And those who’d rob our youth of God,
Take His Word from out the school.
We abuse our precious children,
Slay some before they’re born—
And those who speak against such things
Are looked upon with scorn.