With Christ in the School of Prayer - Table of Contents

by Andrew Murray (1828-1917)

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  1. Lord! teach us to pray; or, The Only Teacher
  2. In spirit and truth; or, The True Worshippers
  3. Pray to thy Father, which is in secret; or, Alone with God
  4. After this manner pray; or, The Model Prayer
  5. Ask, and it shall be given you; or, The Certainty of the Answer to Prayer
  6. How much more? or, The Infinite Fatherliness of God
  7. How much more the Holy Spirit; or, The All-Comprehensive Gift
  8. Because of his importunity; or, The Boldness of God's Friends
  9. Pray the Lord of the harvest; or, Prayer Provides Labourers
  10. What wilt thou? or, Prayer must be definite
  11. Believe that ye have received; or, The Faith that Takes
  12. Have faith in God; or, The Secret of Believing Prayer
  13. Prayer and fasting; or, The Cure of Unbelief
  14. When ye stand praying, forgive; or, Prayer and Love
  15. If two agree; or, The Power of United Prayer
  16. Speedily, though bearing long; or, The Power of Persevering Prayer
  17. I know that Thou hearest me always; or, Prayer in harmony with the being of God
  18. Whose is this image? or, Prayer in harmony with the Destiny of Man
  19. I go unto the Father; or, Power for Praying and Working
  20. That the Father may be glorified; or, The Chief End of Prayer
  21. If ye abide in me; or, The All-inclusive Condition
  22. My words in you; or, The Word and Prayer
  23. Bear fruit, that the Father may give what ye ask; or Obedience the Path to Power in Prayer
  24. In my Name; or, The All-Prevailing Plea
  25. At that day; or, The Holy Spirit and Prayer
  26. I have prayed for thee; or, Christ the Intercessor
  27. Father, I will; or, Christ the High Priest
  28. Father! not what I will; or, Christ the Sacrifice
  29. If we ask according to His will; or, Our Boldness in Prayer
  30. An holy priesthood; or, The Ministry of Intercession
  31. Pray without ceasing; Or, A Life of Prayer
  32. George Muller, and the Secret of his Power in Prayer

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